Language: The language of this front cover is conventional as it uses a colour scheme of white and grey, and the masthead stands out in large font which is white. The layout is also conventional as the main band featured takes up the majority of the front cover, which is conventional for a music magazine. There is large white font in the middle of the cover saying "The Beatles" which is conventional as the audience can immediatly establish who the band is. Also, there is a section which advertises a number of other artists featured in the magazine, which is conventional of music magazines. The language appears to be cold and bleak as the colour scheme is white and grey, and the photograph of the band featured appears to be of dark tone, and the artists are mainly wearing dark coloured clothing. This has been done to reflect the type of music Mojo features, as it appears to feature indie bands.
Institution: The institution producing Mojo is Bauer Media. Mojo is described by Bauer media as being a mixture of classic bands to modern day indie bands, and to be cutting edge and has quality. The platforms Mojo magazine runs on is the magazine itself and its web page.
Ideology: One of the first things I noticed relating to the ideology on this front cover is the use of exclamation marks such as "Neil Young rants!" which shows one of the ideas behind the magazine is excitement. Where it says "The Music Magazine" over the masthead it implies that the producers of the magazine are trying to give the idea that Mojo is the only music magazine of quality. The magazine appears less eccentric than other music magazines as it uses a bland colour schem of white and grey, this may have been done to give the impression that the magazine is more down to earth than the average music magazine. Where it says "Their 101 greatest songs" to the right of the page, it portrays the idea that Mojo magazine only features artists with well known songs that have made a hit. It also reflects the magazine because it gives the impression that if Mojo features great music, it must be a good quality music magazine.
Audience: Bauer media describes the audience for Mojo to be passionate about music and 72% of the readers are male. They are also 36% affluent, heavy consumers of music, and genre and decade are secondary to quality. This audience profile implies that the target audience is more mature, possibly in their late 20s to early 30s. Also, the use of more bland colours on this front cover indicates that the audience is down to earth, and that they want to listen to music that is more down to earth as well. The audience are also more likely to be the type of people who enjoy listening to retro music, as this particular front cover features the beatles. This also means that they are quite likely to be collectors of things like old records, which shows that they have a passion for music.
Representation: The first thing that came to my mind is that is is represented as being quite dull because of the use of dark colours, and because the artists featured look expressionless. However it is also represented as being exciting as it says "The Album That Shocked The World!" under "The Beatles". This represents the magazine in a positive light because it shows that the magazine features reliable information about music produced by the bands. I could also be represented as having a rebellious streak because one of the band members featured on the front cover is smoking. One of the articles featured on the front cover is "101 greatest songs", which the use of the word "greatest" represents the magazine in a positive way because it shows the magazine only features the greatest bands/ songs.
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