Thursday, 16 December 2010

Name ideas for my music magazine

So far I have decided I want my magazine to be an indie magazine, which is similar to NME and can be it's competitor. I have decided to follow the conventions of indie magazines and feature articles on the front cover and in the contents relating to indie artists and gigs. I therefore need to decide on a name for the magazine which best suits the genre and have listed some ideas below:
Slam!- This represents excitement which is conventional for an indie magazine.

STRUM- This relates to the indie genre because most indie artists play guitars and the idea is that you strum a guitar.

Gig it- This relates to the indie genre because most indie fans will often go to gigs, meaning this name is more likely to attract the target audience.

Rock out- Indie is associated with rock music, however this name may be best suited for a magazine that focuses purely on the rock genre.

Bassline- This may be suitable as most indie bands have a bass player, so it associates with the indie genre and also attracts the target audience.

Tuneage: This may be appropriate as it is a play on words with the word "tune" which is a popular word to describe music, however this name does not relate directly to the indie genre.

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