Monday, 6 December 2010

LIIAR Interpretation of the brief - Music magazine

Language:  I will be using a Masthead, barcode, price, date, issue number, and titles of four or five featured articles on the front cover. On the contents page I will write a full contents of the articles featured in the magazine along with text at the top to make it stand out. On the double page spread I will feature an interview with an artist and a title of the article. The language refers to the messages the media puts accross to the target audience. The layout should be designed for an audience which is interested in the indie genre and style. For example Indie magazines usually feature an artist / band on the front cover which will take up the majority of the page. It is also conventional on the front cover to have advertisements for gigs/ tours of bands as this attracts the target audience and helps us establish it is a music magazine.

Institution: This refers to which company produces the magazine. I will be working to compete with IPC as they producse NME which is the same type of magazine and target audience as mine. I will imagine I am producing my magazine for Bauer media because i think there is a gap in the market for an Indie magazine like mine, as the magazines it produces such as Q and Kerrang are more tailored towards the rock genre, whereas IPC already caters for my target audience.

Ideology: The ideology is a set of beliefs and attitudes that a group of people share in common. For example magazines such as NME aim to publish articles based on beliefs that young people who are interested in the indie genre have. Magazines often publish articles that link to current issues in society, so my music magazine could cover issues within the indie genre and issues to do with the indie bands that young people are interested in.

Audience: The audience for my music magazine will be the target age group of 15-24, because this is the age group that is most likely to keep up to date with the latest music, be interested in the indie genre and also they will be most interested in going to gigs, which a lot of gigs are indie bands. They will also be the type of people that are particularly interested in the indie genre. They will also be the type of people that keep up with the latest technology associated with music, such as ipods as they are likely to download new music regularly. I have decided on the age range of 15-24 because NME's target age range is 16-24 and NME is one of my competitors.

Representation:Representation relates to ideology as it represents how we see the world. It is also how we as the audience view things in the media, and with music magazines each genre is represented differently, for example indie magazines are represented differently from pop magazines. For my indie magazine, I would like to represent it as being exciting and up to date with the latest music and indie news in order to appeal to my target audience. It is also important that I research the genre in detail in order to show the audience that I know everything there is to know about the indie genre, and I can show this in my magazine in order to draw the audience in.

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