Language: The layout of this contents page is particularly unconventional because the contents are listed directly down the middle of the page, whereas the convention is for the contents to be listed down the right or left hand side of the page. The contents is also listed in black coloured font against a white background, which has been done intentionally because black and white is associated with old, and the magazine features older retro bands. Also linked to this is that two of the photos are in black and white, and one is in sepia. This immediatly tells the audience that the magazine focuses around older retro bands. However there are two coloured photographs and part of the background on the left hand side is in colour, which indicates that the magazine also features more recent bands, and it gives the magazine a more modern touch to balence it out.
Institution: The institution producing this media text is Bauer media.
Ideology: It appears one of the ideas behind this media text is to promote older bands and music, as the majority of articles are about retro bands, which gives the impression that the magazine is trying to encourage the audience to find out more about the bands. However Mojo also features newer bands, which shows that they are also trying to promote the newer bands. We can tell older bands are being promoted due to the use of black and white photographs. There is an article featured called "X-word" , this is usually a phrase used in reference to a taboo word, therefore gives the impression that the magazine is rebellious. One of the pictures is animated with use of the colour red which represents danger, how ever the use of animation gives the idea that the magazine is aimed at a more fun loving audience as well.
Audience: The audience for this media text is most likely to be people in their late 20s or older, and is mainly male. We can tell it is aimed at this audience because it features older bands, and uses black and white photos along with black text against a white background. How ever, they also may be trying to widen their target audience as there are a few more recent bands featured such as "Hello Goodbye", and 2 photos and part of the background are in colour. This shows that they are possibly trying to liven it up a bit to perhaps aim for an audience who are in their early to mid 20s and older, as this age group tend to be more lively.
Representation:All the artists in the photographs appear to be smiling, therefore represeting Mojo in a positive way. The article featured "X-word" could represent Mojo in a negative way because this phrase is often associated with taboo language. However , the article featured "50 greatest reggae albums" represents Mojo in a positve way because it gives the audience the impression that Mojo only features the best artists, music and albums. There is also little use of the colour red which represents the magazine as being dangerous and rebellious, meaning the magazine is represented in a negative light.
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